About Us

Welcome to Grafton School at Springfield Colony!
The Springfield Hutterite Colony, home to Grafton School, is a community of 112.  The colony farms over 7200 acres, manages a 550 sow hog operation and keeps 500 laying hens.  One of the major non-farming operations of the colony is the Springfield Woodworking Ltd., producing high quality kitchen and bathroom cabinets for customers.
62078 Colony Road
Anola, MB   R5L OA7
Phone: 204-268-2507
Fax:    204-268-3451
Grades:  K - S4
Principal:  Ms. Elizabeth Redekopp
Teacher: Ms. Elizabeth Redekopp
Educational Assistant: Lynn Gates
Educational Assistant:  Ann Penner
No. of Students:  16
Programs Offered:
 Regular Academics
Open to Hutterite Colony residents only